Something that I often take too lightly and do not thank the LORD enough for is my mini-me. When mini-me and I were growing up, we always clashed and I hit points where I truly resented that we were joined at the hip. Seriously now, we would do everything together... play, fight, eat, nap, bathe, relieve ourselves! seriously, i'm not joking. By the time mini-me and I were in middle school, I wanted nothing else than to have my own friends, my own activities, my own life basically. But now that I'm older and recognize that not everybody has a mini-me and that without my mini-me I would quite frankly have no bosom buddies, I have grown to love and cherish the way mini-me has been my constant shadow. In fact, I find that sometimes I have become his mini-him and that the relationship is no longer one-sided.
It's interesting that my wife has a mini-her as well and that we both know what it's like to be connected to our shadows. It's funny to see how she and I have differed in our approach: she being so gentle and caring and me being quite harsh and inconsiderate (at times! not always! haha). Nevertheless, we thank GOD for our minis and hope that one day we can all have mini-mini's that play together and enjoy each other as much as we have.
Here's to the minis of the world...

Do you have a mini-you? If not, you should get one!
Good post. :)
i really thought you were having a baby . and i was really confused until i saw the picture.
"mini-me"...i don't think that's PC. aren't you supposed to call them little people?
Haha! Good one Marcus!
Nate are you truly offended that you aren't referred to as a little person?
What about shorty? Munch kin? I could go one, but then I won't be very PC. :x
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