Friday, March 7, 2008

The Life of a Math Teacher

As I prepare for this upcoming week's lessons, I don't know what to do for Friday. This Friday is unlike any other Friday of the school year. For those of you non-math people out there, this Friday (March 14th) is also known as Pi day.
Okay, so I know it's not Mr. Cool to be excited about such a geeky math thing, but c'mon now, it is pretty cool to celebrate this momentous day of the year-- it's kinda like another birthday for all the math people to celebrate together.
Anyway, as I'm perusing the net for ideas on how to celebrate pi day, I found
It seemed official enough and after reading through some other people's ideas of how they celebrate I can across a real winner-- I still laugh everytime I read it because it's so lame (yet so funny at the same time!!). Here it is below.

I make and share square pies.
When people are confused by it, I tell them that pie are square.

By Andrea Mar 5, 2008 at 7:10 am

Also, I included another lame yet oh-so-funny comic that I found on that site.

Call me crazy and slap me silly-- I think this stuff is funny. And I really want a clock in terms of pi. That would be excellent!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.